What We Do
The Arc of Midland works with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to remove barriers so they can enjoy a purposeful life in the community. When everyone in a community has access to basic rights such as an education, a safe environment, independence, healthy food and general well-being, they are likely to thrive.
People we serve
We have significant needs in our nation for people with IDD. In Michigan, one in four people have a disability. Furthermore, Midland county has a disability rate of 14%. This is higher than many other areas in Michigan and only highlights the need for services. Most individuals who have IDD live in poverty and subsequently have limited access to fresh, healthy food. Many also experience isolation and loneliness. The Arc strives to address these problems and provide support for those who need it.
Work we do
We work with both individuals and families. We believe that everyone should have access to community and basic rights, such as the right to an education, safe environment, and independence. We have a guardian / payee team that is vital to fostering independence by making sure that individuals are making safe decisions, and that one’s Social Security benefits are managed. The Arc of Midland serves a lot of people, but not necessarily everyone with a disability. The Arc of Midland also believes in promoting health and well being. We strive to support and ensure that they are included. We address issues such as food insecurity, friendship, social interaction, community participation, inclusion and understanding through our program development. The Arc of Midland strives to build relationships within the community; by Partnering for People ® we create a bigger impact.
Community we create
The Arc of Midland is a catalyst for inclusion! The full inclusion of people with IDD creates a healthy, thriving place for everyone to live and work. Their safety and well being mean a safer community for all. Everyone has the right to basic needs and the ability to contribute to the community, as well as live happily. Everyone has dreams! When communities work together to make dreams reachable, everyone enjoys the social benefits. The Arc of Midland strives to build partnerships in order to make a bigger impact within the community. If you see us doing an event with others, it means we are Partnering for People®.
Our Services
Personal Representation
The Arc of Midland serves as advocates, assisting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as their families. Together, The Arc of Midland and the individual develop a budget to manage their monthly SSI, SSDI payments, and earned income. Such work includes assisting them with paying their bills, budgeting, and planning for achievement of personal goals such as purchasing a house, living independently, or having the funds for a vacation or special class. This support allows those with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live independently, but also ensures the unbiased support and guidance of an intermediary as necessary. In addition, through this program we serve as guardian of person, guardian of estate, conservator or payee for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as requested or required by law.
Educational Advocacy
Our primary goal is to educate and or inform parents/guardians about their children’s right to a free and appropriate public education in the Least Restrictive Environment. The Arc of Midland offers educational advocacy services to parents/guardians and encourages students to be involved in the educational process and become stronger advocates for themselves.
We listen to parents/guardians and gather valuable information related to the current situation.
We review Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and other pertinent documents.
We assist with the navigation of the special education process and effectively partner with the school team.
We work as part of the team to resolve issues, advocating for the best educational opportunity and outcomes.
Public Policy Advocacy
The Arc of Midland advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), preserving and protecting their fundamental rights through advocacy and action in support of legislation for civil rights, employment, housing and supports. We advocate to create hope, growth, and change at the local, state, and federal levels.
Our Programs
We have a NEED, READ, FEED pantry/library at our office location! You can take non-perishable food with you, or donate non-perishable food if you choose. You can even take a book home or donate a book for someone else to enjoy!
We always have events going on! Click the button below to see what's happening at The Arc of Midland soon.