What To Do In A Snowstorm

Melina B is an employee at The Arc of Midland. She makes the office much more fun, and we love seeing her each day. Melina is authoring the blog, and “spilling the tea” about all sorts of things while sharing her perspective! Follow along as Melina posts each Monday for “Mondays with Melina.”

Through her posts, Melina’s personality shines, giving us all those feel-good moments that The Arc of Midland strives to create for the people we serve: welcoming, fully inclusive spaces in our community! Melina’s stories bring us closer, reminding us that it’s the little things—like baking, laughing, and enjoying the first snowfall—that make us feel connected.

Without further ado…

My favorite thing to do is looking out at the pretty snow. When schools close I like to play games and I enjoy baking. I like making cakes, brownies, cookies,blueberry muffins, and zucchini brownies. I love getting comfy PJS and ordering pizza. I do love sledding and snowball fighting. And snow angles! And watching movies with popcorn. My all time favorite is NO BUGS! And no Bats my downfall i do not enjoy sickness season and losing power because of an ice storm.  One time we lost power while I was making a cake, I was so sad I pushed the cake and it fell off the counter onto the floor. We laugh about it today, and instead of it being a Bundt Cake we call it a DUMP cake. And of course i do love Christmas and New years! I love getting snow storms because it is peaceful. I do like making snowmen and enjoying a good snowstorm! And relax. Not everybody doesn't like the cold. But there are ways to be cozy or a fireplace. Or make a yummy treat for yourself. And relax, making sure to sanitize your homes. Enjoy your time in a snowstorm here's a great fact: snowstorms can flash your Allergies away!  Make sure to eat a lot of onions during the sickness season. Here's another thing that I think is true: onions can fight Diseases as well, and I love onions. 




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