Inside Scoop on the Midland Wellbeing Certificate
Melina B is an employee at The Arc of Midland. She brings so much joy to the office, and we are lucky to have her. Melina will be authoring the blog, and “spilling the tea” about all sorts of things! Follow along as Melina posts each Monday for “Mondays with Melina.”
Today, Melina wrote about the Midland Wellbeing Conference that she and co-worker Amanda Davis attended this past month. They learned all about wellbeing - both in personal life and in the workplace. The conference allowed them both to gain valuable insights and practical tips on maintaining a healthy balance between all aspects of life, especially mental and physical health.
Attending the conference was a fantastic experience for Melina and Amanda. It highlighted how much we, at The Arc of Midland, care about the wellbeing of our team and the community we serve. By focusing on personal growth and support, we create a place where everyone can flourish. The conference also allowed Melina and Amanda to learn about wellbeing tips that they could take back to the office and implement or teach the staff about. The staff at The Arc of Midland are devoted to improving the lives of, and providing support to, those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This is hard work, and we want to make sure that we can support not only the mental health of the people we serve, but also our staff.
The lessons from the conference also remind us that taking care of ourselves helps us take better care of each other. Melina's insights from the event show how committed we are to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive!
Without further ado, let’s hear from Melina!
“I went to a wellbeing Conference what was it like I learned a ton about Wellbeing how is very important of our community in a better place to live. My Favorite parts is how we do Actives to help with Mental Health and how to help people who are in need never turn our back towards someone who are struggling because a lot of people think act like Mental health isn’t real issue it happens to everybody everyday life. I went to this conference Because is very Important to Learn about Wellbeing is big topic of this Community everybody thrives I learned about Wellbeing Mental Health or depression And here’s a Resource there’s a hotline is called Mental Health hotline 988 if somebody needs help use that or maybe lean on your best friend like I do. When people go through Darkest way, always move the Mountain. Nobody should turn backwards or don’t ever Assume until you hear their story because you never know what someone is going through. NOBODY IS ALONE I think the whole world needs consoling at some time thank you”
Melina B and Amanda after completing the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Wellbeing Certificate! Woo hoo!!